


I ve Been Thinking About What You Look Like

 新年快乐 恭喜发财 万事如意 步步高升 年年有余 Projecting all the prosperity and growth and good health to every one of you for this year of the Pig. Behold the last few days of festivities and homemade representations of togetherness, fulfilment and wealth (mostly for cross-continental family FaceTime meals tbh... also need to work on my 汤圆 size consistency)
新年快乐 恭喜发财 万事如意 步步高升 年年有余 Projecting all the prosperity and growth and good health to every one of you for this year of the Pig. Behold the last few days of festivities and homemade representations of togetherness, fulfilment and wealth (mostly for cross-continental family FaceTime meals tbh... also need to work on my 汤圆 size consistency)
цааш үзэх