


Future Tech Lab @futuretechlab @worldeconomicforum Young Global Leader Class of 2018

The ability to grow diamonds in a laboratory is one of the most precise and difficult manufacturing techniques that humans have ever achieved. Because the processes re-create natural growth, aboveground diamonds have  the same variations in colour and clarity. And it is impossible to tell the difference between underground and aboveground diamonds.

Public open sources have poor information to demonstrate how much energy is consumed in the production of a created diamonds, however creating diamonds require much less energy than extracting underground diamonds.
And we are not even going into kids slavery issues. These are completely, 100% blood and conflict free stones. And will be eventually used for both industrial and jewellery purposes. This technology has been invented more than half century ago and it s now the time for it to become the new reality. 
@DiamondFoundry cultivates diamonds with a zero carbon footprint.
The ability to grow diamonds in a laboratory is one of the most precise and difficult manufacturing techniques that humans have ever achieved. Because the processes re-create natural growth, aboveground diamonds have the same variations in colour and clarity. And it is impossible to tell the difference between underground and aboveground diamonds. Public open sources have poor information to demonstrate how much energy is consumed in the production of a created diamonds, however creating diamonds require much less energy than extracting underground diamonds. And we are not even going into kids slavery issues. These are completely, 100% blood and conflict free stones. And will be eventually used for both industrial and jewellery purposes. This technology has been invented more than half century ago and it s now the time for it to become the new reality. @DiamondFoundry cultivates diamonds with a zero carbon footprint.
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