


Future Tech Lab @futuretechlab @worldeconomicforum Young Global Leader Class of 2018

The first ever Asian tech company to have ever been valued over 500 billion, the tech company that created the super-app 'WeChat', which has 980 million active users, and the tech company that created Honour of Kings, and at 70 million daily users is the game that consistently has twice as many users as Pokémon Go had at its peak, in a mere 20 years Tencent has achieved the impossible and is still on top of their game.  Happy 20th anniversary, Mr. Pony Ma and entire TENCENT Team, and thank your for having me
The first ever Asian tech company to have ever been valued over 500 billion, the tech company that created the super-app 'WeChat', which has 980 million active users, and the tech company that created Honour of Kings, and at 70 million daily users is the game that consistently has twice as many users as Pokémon Go had at its peak, in a mere 20 years Tencent has achieved the impossible and is still on top of their game. Happy 20th anniversary, Mr. Pony Ma and entire TENCENT Team, and thank your for having me
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